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Mindset & Motivation, Podcast Articles   |   Jun 1, 2019

Special summer podcast series: Finding the extraordinary within the ordinary

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Special summer podcast series: Finding the extraordinary within the ordinary

By Angela Watson

It’s time for a break from school-related topics!

This summer on my Truth for Teachers podcast, we’re doing a 4-part series focused on self-development instead of professional development.

Every other week in June and July, I’ll bring you a short episode to help you focus on what matters most, and I’ll share some things that have been on my heart that might be otherwise off-topic for a teaching podcast.

Let this be a time for us to reflect, think deeply, and go big picture. We’ll explore a different word each time:

  • June 9th: Presence
  • June 23rd: Alignment
  • July 7th: Authenticity
  • July 21st: Purpose

You can also sign up for a bi-weekly email message that corresponds with each episode. These messages are designed to be short, powerful reminders to help you stay focused on what matters most to you this summer and enjoy your break.

To listen to the summer series, click your preferred link below,

or search for Angela Watson’s Truth for Teachers

in your podcast app and subscribe!


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You can also follow me on Instagram–I’ll be sharing additional reflections, quotes, and stories there which are related to the podcast topics:

Part One: Presence

In this first episode, you’ll learn about the benefits of experiencing silence and healing sounds.

How can you create short, regular rituals in your life where you enjoy the benefits of silence, and experience sounds that are calming? You’ll get to experience a few moments of “sound therapy” in this episode and discover how to use sounds and silent to help you experience more presence this summer.

Don’t let your summer fly by because you were rushing from one activity to the next! Time seems to slow down when we are truly present, and even a few moments of practicing presence each day can give you a sense of peace and gratitude.

Part Two: Alignment

What does it means to live in alignment with what you really believe and who you really are?

We’ll talk about examining thoughts that create suffering, as well as “practicing what we preach” and doing our part to make the world the place we believe it should be.

Part Three: Authenticity

Is it time to get real with yourself that there are certain things you’re just not going to pressure yourself to do?

Are you conforming to outside expectations about what’s most important, or determining those things for yourself?

The third part of our summer series will explore what it means to live an authentic life.

Part Four: Purpose

In the final part of our summer series, we’re examining the idea of purpose.

It’s not just about the things you want to do or accomplish. Living with purpose is also about recognizing and appreciating what you’ve already done, and making time for just being, rather than always rushing forward to accomplish the Next Big Thing.

This episode is sponsored by “Smash Boom Best”, a kids debate podcast that’s great for teaching kids about making strong arguments. Every episode of “Smash Boom Best” uses fun facts and the power of persuasion to help kids decide which is better between two amazing things. Like unicorns versus dragons! Chocolate versus cheese! Or even flying versus invisibility! The topics are fun, but every episode also teaches real facts and real debate skills. And you can also get an activity sheet at SmashBoom.org so your class can play along and judge the debates for themselves. You can find “Smash Boom Best” at SmashBoom.org or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The Truth for Teachers Podcast

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Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. Another amazing tool from you, awesome being!
    You`ve been a light in my path. Thank you.
    I just love these sounds. So relaxing and soul feeder.
    I am hooked!!!

    A deep chakra hug.


  2. A very great tool, and i hope it’ll help a lot of teacher’s and other’s supporting this profession. Keep it up great work, will be great to see some more posts like this.

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