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40 Hour Workweek

Productivity Strategies, Podcast Articles   |   Jul 3, 2016

5 summer secrets for a stress-free fall

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

5 summer secrets for a stress-free fall

By Angela Watson

Last summer, I ran a live webinar called “5 Summer Secrets for a Stress-Free Fall,” and throughout the various sessions, over 5,000 teachers attended! I’d never done live webinars before, and really enjoyed being able to connect with participants in real time. I definitely plan to do another live webinar this summer.

However, I also thought it would be great to turn that live event into something you can watch anytime you want. So I broke the training into 7 shorter videos and created an on-demand series.

Here’s what you’ll get from this on-demand video:

  1. Discover how to create your end-of-summer vision (what do you want your life to look like when summer is over?)and select goals that will move you toward that vision
  2. Learn simple time-saving tipst hat will help you work smarter, not harder, right away
  3. Explore 5 productivity strategies for home and school that will help you feel more accomplished AND allow you to truly relax
  4. Learn how to use your summer to get ahead for fall,choosing key tasks to complete now in order to free up more time once school begins

5 summer secrets for a stress-free fall

Start watching the training here now!

You can complete the entire video series in just under an hour, and also get:

  • printable resources
  • audio-only version (podcast)
  • certificate of completion
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Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
Browse Articles by Angela


  1. I have now updated my credit card information – The 40 Hour Work Week ( member for a while) and now I cannot access the content. Help:)!

  2. I have company in town but want to do the webinar – badly! Is tonight the last night it’s offered? I’ve only been out of school for 2 weeks. 🙁

    Please tell me there’s another date next week! Thank you!

  3. Hi Angela,

    I loved your podcast on ” 5 Summer Secrets for a Stress-Free Fall”.

    I am a discouraged to work in the classroom after 15 years of experience. Needed TOA positions are not available.Are your programs able to re-incite, encourage, or provide advise for the educational services that are currently exploding?

    I’ve taught middle school science/social studies and 9-12 social science, 6-7 science in an online and blended school environment. I have been very involved in reform education, as a student and as a teacher. I have implemented “picture textbook science” , integrated science using technology and kitchen science, initial ESE inclusion classes with team teaching, the list goes on.

    However, despite my success, I have burnt myself out. I’ve changed the format to adjust to the new FL EOC expectations for students and the teachers. I do not like the being evaluated as an “call center” employee.

    I offer students a academic coaching, success coaching, life skills, someone cares for you and will set boundaries, active listener, academic advocate in the home, sports, school, etc.

    Please share your insight, as I need employment, I am disappointed in my profession,and seek wisdom in how to proceed in my employment search and confidence in teaching in the current education format.

    Warm Regards,

    Donna Schilsky

  4. Dear Angela,

    Listening to your podcast was the best unintentional break I’ve ever had 🙂 !

    Best wishes,

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