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40 Hour Workweek

Mindset & Motivation, Productivity Strategies, Truth for Teachers Collective

Nov 10, 2021

10 tips to relieve stress around teacher evaluations and ditch the dog-and-pony show
Being evaluated feels personal because you care deeply about what you’re doing. How could you not?  You spend countless hours working on lesson plans, grading, PLCs, and data — not to mention the time you spend in the classroom interacting with students, striving to meet their needs. Of course, it’s...

By Cindy Shapiro

Teacher & Instructional Coach

Teaching Tips & Tricks, Truth for Teachers Collective

Sep 8, 2021

Standards-based grading is time-consuming. Here’s how to streamline.
How to design meaningful standards-based assessments  (that are also easy to grade!) …even if your school does traditional grading “Why do we have to learn this?” “Will this be on the test?” “How much do we have to write? How many pages does it have to be?” Let’s take a moment...

By Alissa Bratz

French Teacher, Global Ed Coordinator, Instructional Coach

Education Trends, Teaching Tips & Tricks, Truth for Teachers Collective

Jul 11, 2021

Too much tech? These 7 digital tools can create a daily structure for ALL your lessons, from start to finish.
Gimkit. Wakelet. Slides. Forms. Meet. Zoom. Remind. Class Dojo. Quizizz. Quizlet. Nearpod. Pear Deck. Kahoot. Flipgrid. Kami. Loom. Edpuzzle. Edmodo. Menti. Moodle. Socrative. Securly. Hapara. Padlet. If you can comprehend the above lines at a proficient reading level, you might be a teacher transitioning out of the 2020-2021 school year....

By Francesca Roley

8th/9th Gr ELA

Education Trends, Mindset & Motivation, Productivity Strategies

Mar 17, 2021

12 tips for work/life balance in hybrid concurrent teaching
Hybrid concurrent teaching (in which you are simultaneously teaching students in-person and students who are learning at home, typically via live-streamed instruction) is without a doubt one of the most challenging scenarios an educator can face. You may have received the message from some folks in your district that this...

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Mindset & Motivation, Productivity Strategies, Teaching Tips & Tricks, Podcast Articles

Apr 11, 2021

A powerful way to help kids (and ourselves!) with time management
Time management skills are needed by kids now more than ever. While students have always been late to class, lost assignments, and forgotten to turn things in, the battle for focused attention seems magnified these days for sure! Constantly issuing reminders and following up with kids is exhausting. But helping...

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

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