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40 Hour Workweek

Classroom Management, Equity Resources, Truth for Teachers Collective

May 7, 2023

Students not turning in homework? 4 common mistakes to avoid (and what to do instead)
Homework is typically the bane of students and the Achilles heel of teachers. On the one hand, regular practice outside of the classroom can help students retain information and reinforce learning. On the other, it’s also difficult to motivate students to do the work without coercion or consequences. While the...

By Kim Lepre

Truth for Teachers Writer

Education Trends, Teaching Tips & Tricks, Truth for Teachers Collective

Jan 18, 2023

Could a ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment) be right for your classroom?
ROWE focuses on deep cultural and mindset shifts that help people thrive in their environments and accomplish big goals together. There’s a lot of potential in the Results-Only Work Environment for you and your students to gain better autonomy, accountability, and results. Here’s how you and your students can experiment with...

By Jennifer Brinkmeyer

7th-12th Grade ELA

Mindset & Motivation, Teaching Tips & Tricks, Truth for Teachers Collective

Nov 16, 2022

Feeling restless? Try switching up your teaching style into one of these 5 types.
A few years ago, I had a conversation with my assistant principal that I’ve thought about many times since. We loved to sit in her office and grapple with big educational questions, such as issues of equity and access, as well as the smaller stuff, like when the copier paper...

By Melissa Forbes

Instructional coach, MTSS coordinator