Whether your school is already out for the summer and you’re in relaxation mode or you’re heading into the final few days, I have a feeling you’re ready for some comic relief.
I love to read the funny things that kids say and do. Here are some of my favorites from this page of hilarious kid stories I’ve compiled over the years along with some pictures of funny things teachers have encountered when grading student work:
At the school where I taught previously, students would line up on the blacktop before the morning bell. I would pick them up and we would walk together to the classroom. There was, of course, a no-talking rule in the hallway and I would often tell them, “If it doesn’t involve fire, blood, or throwing up, save it until we get to the classroom.” Well, one morning “M” kept saying, “Mrs. T, Mrs. T, I have to tell you something. I asked, “Does it involve, blood, fire, or throwing up?” “No”, he replied. But he kept saying, “Mrs. T, Mrs. T”. Finally, exasperated, I turn to him and ask gruffly, “WHAT?” He says, “I saw a pirate movie.” There’s a moment of silence as I stand and stare at him. And, with perfect comedic timing, he says, “It was rated RRRRR!”
This is my favorite kindergarten moment ever. A child was upset because her cat had died. I told her how sorry I was, and went on to tell her that I used to have a cat, and was sad when I had to find a home for her because my husband was allergic to cats. She looked at me in shock and questioned, “You’re married?’ When I replied that I was indeed married, she continued…”I know what you did on your wedding day.” I was afraid to ask, but went ahead. She replied, “You ate cake!”
One day it was getting close to recess and I had a few kids off task. I reminded them that before we could go outside there were certain things that needed to be done and, just for emphasis, I held up my plan book and pointed to the day’s agenda. One little boy’s eyes widened in surprise and he blurted out, “Omigod! You mean you write this stuff down?!”
One moment happened several years ago when I taught grade one. Each primary class had received one of those colorful carpets with the seven continents on it. Well, day 2 of having this carpet, Andre got very sick, and threw up. When his dad came to take him home, Andre proudly says, “Daddy, I threw up all over North America AND South America!”
I teach kindergarten and when I was urging a student to get down to work, he looked up and me and said, “You do know that I didn’t sign up for this. My dad did it.”
Please share your funniest stories in the comments here or on Facebook!
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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I love writing about the funny moments. That’s most of the reason that I keep a blog! 🙂 I’m including a link to one of my favorites. You just have to see the picture to get the full impact. http://botheras.blogspot.com/b/post-preview?token=W-jbHT8BAAA.sqOwUvlyzY2MLAOiei31iw.VkYKVp4UNX2wbasY2PvVcw&postId=3573980497458419278&type=POST
I was in a 5th grade social studies class, supporting some of my lower learning support students. They were learning about the branches of government. One girl did know who the president was so I asked her if she knew where he lived. She said, “Oh yeah, he lives by the water in the light house.” 😉
On the same day, talking about the responsibilities of the president, one girl said, “But he has all of those people in a big cupboard to help him.” (referring of course, to his cabinet) 🙂
I took a position as a teachers assistant in a pre-k classroom, while working on my EC degree. It was my first classroom experience, other than occasionally volunteering at the early childhood center. As part of my orientation, I received specialized training for a young girl who suffered from seizures. Honestly, at the time, I was a bit apprehensive at the thought of dealing with such an occurrence. One day, we’d prepared a “spider” cookie for snack, with red hots for eyes, 8 pretzel legs, and wafer cookies as the body. The teacher stepped out of the classroom for just a moment and I was alone with the class. I noticed the little girl began to tremble, a bit of what looked like blood, trickled from her nose and her eyes rolled upward, into the back of her head. IMMEDIATELY, I went into action, following protocol for a seizure. I called for help…. The principal, two paras, and several staff rushed to my aid. As my colleagues entered the room, our little friend SNEEZED and out shot the two red hots from her nose. She looked at me, smiled, and innocently reported, “Those were HOT!” I’ve never heard the end of it! I did, however, become a pre-k teacher in the same district a few of years later!
My first year of teaching I had my students sitting on the floor. As I was getting something from my desk to join them, I could hear my kiddos (second graders) having a debate. On my age. Some of them asked me out right how old I was. I simply responded old enough. Well the debate continued. Finally one student said, “Well she’s married so she’s gotta be 30!” That saisfied the rest of them and I couldn’t help but giggle!
I have so many it is hard to choose! Here is a good one..a student came to me saying another student had taken something of his. When I asked her, she admitted to taking it and was hoping to take it home. I explained that it was wrong to take something that didn’t belong to her and after returning the item I asked her to write an apology note. It read “I guess what I’ve learned my whole life is wrong. It’s not really finders keepers.”