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40 Hour Workweek

Podcast Articles   |   Jul 23, 2023

Where I’m going: Reflections on what excites me about my work & the future of schools

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Where I’m going: Reflections on what excites me about my work & the future of schools

By Angela Watson

This summer, I’m doing a special three-part podcast series that offers a deep dive into my personal story: where I’ve been, where I’m at, and where I’m going. 

That’s because this summer marks TWENTY YEARS since I started my website and began sharing teaching ideas online! 

Episode 282 is the third installment of this series.

If you haven’t yet listened to episode 278 called How I got here: Reflections on 20 years of sharing teaching ideas online and episode 280 Where I’m at: Reflections on who I’ve become as a person and educator, I highly recommend you back up and start there.

Usually, you can listen to my podcast episodes in any order you want, but since this is basically my life story, what I’m sharing in this episode will make a lot more sense if you’ve heard the beginning of what happened.

In this final installment of the three-part series, I’m talking about what’s next.

Listen to the audio below,
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Listen in as I answer the following questions:

  • How I grapple with imposter syndrome, maintaining relevancy, and criticism of my work
  • Why I view my work in terms of years-long problems I’m trying to solve over the course of a lifetime
  • How I plan to translate my experience and accumulated wisdom into my next big project
  • Why I plan to focus more on connecting with educators via my email list and podcast instead of social media
  • A dream my husband and I have for supporting educators in a way that leaves a lasting legacy
  • How rediscovering lost parts of myself, childhood interests, and hobbies apart from work shapes the perspective I bring to teaching
  • Why I think the future of schools is nearly impossible to predict, but am committed to uncovering new possibilities and finding the good
  • How I stay hopeful amidst so much bad news, and the perspective that keeps me feeling balanced, energized, and optimistic

Anything you’re still curious about?

If there’s anything I didn’t talk about in this podcast series that you’re still left wondering, I’m doing an AMA (ask me anything) episode next month!

Use this form to submit a question about a personal or professional aspect of my life that you’d like to hear more about

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Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. Hi Angela,
    I wanted to take a moment to share several things with you and your team. I joined 40-Hour Workweek in 2016. It was a complete game changer for me as a teacher as far as time I spent, how effective I was with the most important parts of teaching, and how well I took care of myself. I have given a subscription to the club to several student teachers. This June I retired and one of the things that I know I will miss is putting your ideas into use. I learned how to make AI work for me after one of your emails about it. It saved me loads of time my last semester when I used it to write weekly parent newsletters. In fact, I still use one of the electronic lesson planners as my own personal planner! And, I still listen to your podcasts because I so appreciate your kind spirit, your positive outlook, your optimism. This is what I need in my life whether I’m teaching or not. I appreciate the honesty and openness with which you have approached the 3 podcast series on your self-reflections. I applaud your courage and am inspired by it. You go!!

    1. Oh my goodness, Eliana, thank you so much for taking the time to share this! It means more than you know. Congrats on your retirement–I’m glad you’re sticking around!

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