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Uncategorized   |   Mar 2, 2012

March’s best teacher freebies

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

March’s best teacher freebies

By Angela Watson

On the first day of every month here on The Cornerstone blog, I’ll feature a handful of the best teacher freebies I’ve found. These are no-cost activities and printables that you can use in your classroom right away. If your resource is featured, feel free to grab the button below and show it off on your site. At the bottom of the page will be a linky party where you can explore and share other great freebies that I’ve missed.

The Cornerstone For Teachers

Pirate Geometry BINGO by Joy Hall of Joy of Teaching: “Need an easy way to introduce or reinforce basic geometry vocabulary, such as parallel lines, acute angle, and line segment? You’re in luck! Here is a free set of geometry vocabulary BINGO games with a pirate theme. There are 30 different game boards (6 to a page) which show images of each vocabulary term for students to match. Enjoy!” Grades 3-5. 


Buddy Test Prep by Laura Candler of Corkboard Connections: “Preparing for state tests doesn’t have to involve days of drill and kill practice. With the Buddy Test Prep activity, students follow a specific set of steps, first working alone, then with a partner, and finally with the class. They use a special color-coding system to show whether each answer is their own work or was arrived at with the help of a partner. This packet of materials includes step-by-step directions to present to your students to make the process both easy and fun.” Grades 3-8.


The Tale of the Truffula Seed by Monica Schroeder at The Schroeder Page: “This is a free mini writing unit to go along with The Lorax. This file includes a bubble map that leads students into creating a how to save the Truffula Trees.” Grades 1-2.


Seusstastic Activities by Mel D of Seusstastic Classroom Inspirations: “Here is a 12 pages full of activities to use for your Seuss Unit! Stop by my blog for more Seusstastic Freebies and ideas!” Grades K-3.


Seasons of the Year by Jane Batham of The Learning Curve: “This simple worksheet can be used to assess students understanding of the months and seasons. Read my blog post to see how this can be differentiated to meet a range of student levels.” Grades 1-3.


Free Symmetry Worksheets By Nyla of Nyla’s Crafty Teaching: “Contains shape cut-outs for students to fold in order to find vertical, horizontal and/or diagonal lines of symmetry. After finding them, students can draw in the lines of symmetry on a duplicate copy of the worksheet.” Grades 3-5.

Laughing At Limericks by Addie Education – Teacher Talk: “Fun and easy to use templates to help your students write their own fun and silly limericks.” Grades 3-8.


Read Across America Bookmarks by Melissa of DillyDabbles: “Themed bookmarks with quotes from Dr. Seuss about reading and learning” Grades K-5.


Learning Targets by Teaching with Style: “Help your students stay on track and know what they are learning by posting your objectives and standards in your classroom.” All grade levels.


Dr. Who’s Word Sort Lidia Barbosa of Kid’s Reading Activities: 
This is a word sort activity for our Read Across America week. Students will love the Dr. Seuss theme while sorting words by the word families -an and -at. A recording sheet has been included. Grades PreK-K.


Puppy Party by Dr. Erica Warren of Good Sensory Learning: “This is a really fun board game that will help struggling readers learn their short vowel sounds. As players move around the board and sound out three letter words, they collect puppies! It’s a favorite of my students!” Grades K-2.


Test Prep 180: Test Prep Stations by Stephanie Moorman of Teaching in Room 6: “This post describes how I set up my Test Prep Rotations. It includes the forms I created to manage the system as well as a special Root Word Game freebie (for those of you who make it to the end of the long post!)” Grades 4-8.


Fortune Teller to Reinforce Finding the Circumference of a Circle by Andrea Kerr of For The Love of Teaching Math: “An amazing activity that uses the old “fortune teller” or “cooty catcher” origami to help reinforce finding the circumference of a circle. There are two pages, one giving only the radius and one giving only the diameter.” Grades 5-8.


Perfect Paint Company by Denise Boehm of Sunny Days: “Use ordinary paint samples from home improvement stores to encourage your students to use more colorful language. Use this freebie to have students share and describe their new creation” Grades 1-4.


Have you recently created something fabulous for your classroom? Share it below!

Here are the rules for the link up:

  1. Link directly to the blog post where you’ve written about a free activity idea or printable. Don’t link to your homepage; people don’t want to click around to find what they’re looking for. Also, please don’t link to sites that require a login, like TeachersPayTeachers. Help visitors get to their freebies easily!
  2. Your freebie can be on any topic, for any grade level, but it must be free now and forever.Teachers who come across this post a year from now should still be able to visit your site and get the item for free.
  3. Link back to this blog post or include the Linky Party button (below) somewhere on your site. You can embed the button in your sidebar or put it directly in your blog post about the freebie: this way YOUR site visitors know about the teacher freebie round up and linky party and will be encouraged to share their ideas, too! Feel free to spread the word via Facebook, Twitter, Google+, Pinterest, etc.!
  4. Check out some of the other linky submissions. The link up is ultimately about sharing ideas and creating conversations, so please leave a comment on at least one other blog. Let the person know how you found them and your thoughts on their ideas.

Did you add your link above? Grab this button and embed it in your blog post!

The Cornerstone For Teachers

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
Browse Articles by Angela


  1. Thanks everyone for sharing! I was not able to print out the following and I really wanted to see it:
    Buddy Test Prep by Laura Candler of Corkboard Connections. It was actually linked to a pay site.

      1. For some reason, I’m having the same issue Dana!

        Angela, what am I doing wrong???? 🙂


        1. Hmm, Danielle, not sure. When I click on the picture of the form in the Test Prep 180 blog post, it take me to a Google Doc where I can view, save, or print the form. Are you seeing that?

  2. These are great! Thank you for sharing. I teach extended day for title 1 students twice a week, and by the end of the day they are so burnt out. These activities are adorable- I bet they’d enjoy them! I can’t wait to try one out this week.

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

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