With a decade’s worth of content on this site, there’s bound to be some things that you didn’t even know were there. Today, I’m wrapping up the ten year blogiversary celebration by featuring some resources that might be new to you. These are all pages and sections that are separate from the blog, and can be accessed by clicking on the FREE RESOURCES tab at the top of the site:
You can view all my classroom photos since 2003, and see what the teacher who took over my last classroom did with the space.
I’ve also collected tours of other teachers’ classrooms from all over the country, K-12. See how other teachers decorate and organize!
This section of the site has detailed resources for those going through the National Board Certification process.
Tips for a Self-Running Classroom
In addition to the behavior plans page, the Behavior Management section of the site explains how to create class rules, redirect off-task behavior, & more.
There’s a whole section of the site with free and inexpensive center ideas you can easily make using materials you already own.
Everything you need to know for using math journals: lessons for introducing them, how to assess them, sample prompts, and more.
A new section of the site with resources for departmentalized teaching, co-teaching, multi-grade level classrooms, subs, paras, and more.
On the 1st of each month, I find the best free printables for teachers and feature them in a blog post. Here you can view them all together.
All the free (and priced) printables I’ve created for Teachers Pay Teachers are organized by type in slideshows on the Printables page.
To view more stuff, click on the FREE RESOURCES tab at the top of any page of The Cornerstone site. You’ll find sections for Math, Literacy, Science and Social Studies, Family Outreach, Organization and Decoration, Planning and Assessment, Technology Integration, and a whole lot more. You can also see a list of all the new resources on the site on the Free Resources page itself.
Are there other resources would you like to see me add to the site? Share your suggestions in the comments!
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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