If you’re feeling completely discouraged right now and don’t know how you can possibly make it until June, that is completely NORMAL.
In October, the optimism that comes from having a fresh start at back to school has faded, the holiday breaks are still weeks away, and the rest of the school year looms ahead like an insurmountable obstacle.
Check out this awesome 8 minute audio podcast (and transcript) featuring the fabulous (and hilarious) Roxanna Elden. It’s called How Teachers Can Avoid the October Blues. Or read Beating the October Blues: Better Learning With Better Behaviour.
Take it one day at a time, friends. Stay focused on the positive. Use your interactions with other teachers to talk about SOLUTIONS, rather than seeking out people to vent with you. You’ll feel a lot better if you spend your evenings celebrating the good stuff and looking for new ways to make the next day better instead of rehashing problems.
Know that almost everyone’s having a tough time right now. You are not alone. And it’s going to get better in the months to come.
Also, Halloween is on a Friday this year. So there’s that.
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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