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Uncategorized   |   Jan 18, 2012

Win a free year’s subscription to BrainPOP!

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Win a free year’s subscription to BrainPOP!

By Angela Watson


Many of you know that I work part-time as an Educational Editor for BrainPOP. My job entails outlining and editing BrainPOP Jr. scripts and making sure features/activities are developmentally appropriate and aligned with state and common core standards. I also work with the BrainPOP Educators community, managing the lesson plansand contributing to the blog.

If you’re not familiar with BrainPOP, here it is in a nutshell: animated, curriculum-based for grades K-12. We create short movies (just a few minutes long) which can be used in whole class, small group and one-on-one settings. BrainPOP is used in numerous ways in classrooms, at home, and on mobile devices, from introducing a new lesson or topic to illustrating complex subject matter to reviewing before a test. Content is mapped to Common Core, aligned to academic standards, and easily searchable with our online Standards Tool. All the products are fully compatible with interactive whiteboards, learner response systems, projectors, Macs, and PCs. No downloading, installation, or special hardware is required. It’s a subscription-based service that’s currently used in 25% of U.S. schools! I used it when I was a classroom teacher so I know firsthand how much kids love it and how well it helps them understand key concepts and skills.

I hear from many blog readers that you all loooove BrainPOP, but aren’t able to afford a subscription. So, I’ve gotten permission to give away a one-year subscription to one lucky blog reader! The winner can choose to have access to BrainPOPBrainPOP Jr., BrainPOP ESLBrainPOP Espanol, or any combination thereof. The subscription will be good for 365 consecutive days in one classroom (or one home, for parents who want their kids to use BrainPOP and homeschooling families.) The complete combo subscription is a $395 value!

Here’s how the contest works:

1) Create a lesson plan using any of the BrainPOP resources.

You can check out the full selection of what BrainPOP has to offer by signing up for a free trial, or write your lesson for one of the free movie topics that are available (no subscription required.) Use this form to submit your lesson: just explain how you as a teacher integrate the BrainPOP movie and related activities/features into an innovative classroom activity. You can look over some sample lesson plans to get an idea of what we’re looking for. If you have handouts or printables you want to include, just indicate that in your lesson plan submission and I’ll contact you via email to get the attachment.

2) Leave a comment on the BrainPOP Educators Community forum.

Click on the lesson plans message board topic and add a reply–just to introduce yourself and give a super short summary of what the lesson plan you submitted is about.  You will need to create a profile for yourself in our community, which is free and takes about 2 minutes. That will give you access not only to our message board forum, but to all kinds of great FREE stuff like graphic organizers and webinars. If your lesson plan is published to our database of lessons, I’ll add the link to your comment so you can view and share it. Be sure to add a gravatar (if you don’t already have one) when you create your BrainPOP Educators profile. This way, if you win, we can share a photo of you (or an image you select as your avatar) when we feature you and your lesson plan on our site.

At midnight on January 31st, the contest will close, and I’ll select and announce a winning lesson plan the following day.

Hey, you’ve got to write lesson plans, anyway…why not win a whole year’s worth of access to BrainPOP in the process? If you have a blog or website you’d like to link to, you can include that in your lesson plan to bring more exposure to your site (we currently have 165,000 members in the BrainPOP Educators community!) All high-quality lesson plan entries will be published on the BrainPOP Educators site. I’m looking forward to reading your submissions!



Thank you to everyone who submitted lesson plans! We got some fantastic entries–every single one met the BrainPOP standards for publication on our site, and will be featured in an upcoming BrainPOP Educators blog post! 



Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. My school already has BrainPop and BrainPop Jr., so I’m not going to enter… but the kids in my class LOVE BrainPop. The topics are usually well-chosen and tastefully done for young kids. Best of all… they’re truly educational. Whoever wins this is lucky! 🙂

    1. Hi, Jenny! Thanks for that feedback. That is so appreciated! If you would like to share how you use BrainPOP with your class, we’d love to share your activities and projects. Feel free to submit a lesson plan to our database, or if you’d like to write a guest blog post, let me know!

  2. I tried to use my free trial of BrainPop Jr.on my iPad and it wouldn’t work because “Apple does not support Flash Player”. I have the iPad App for the free daily video, but that doesn’t give me much time to plan a lesson around and it’s not the Jr. version. I love this site and am contemplating buying it for our computer lab, but first want to try it out to give pointers. I will definitely try to enter the contest using one of the free videos – thanks!

    1. Hi, Amy! You’re right–the BrainPOP app is only for the main site (grades 3-12) right now. But, the BrainPOP Jr. team is working feverishly to create an app for the K-3 resources, as well! Eventually all of our content will be supported by mobile devices. There are hundreds and movies, games, etc., so the process is an ongoing one at this point. I’m glad you’re planning to check out the free videos–looking forward to reading your lesson!

  3. I submitted my lesson plan on nouns and posted in the forum. I do have activity sheets that go with my lesson. I would love to use BrainPOP with my first graders but can’t afford my own subscription. Hope I win!

  4. I just submitted my lesson plan on hibernation and posted to the forum. I LOVE BrainPOP Jr. but my district cannot afford the subscription. I have all fingers and toes crossed to win this. It really is an amazing learning tool in any classroom. I know my Kindergarten students and I would definitely put it to good use. Thanks for doing this!!



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