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Teaching Tips & Tricks   |   Nov 22, 2012

Why I quit my teaching job mid-year (no, it wasn’t the testing)

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Why I quit my teaching job mid-year (no, it wasn’t the testing)

By Angela Watson

I wanted to write a post for those of you who are barely making it, and are so dreading the return to school the following morning that you can’t even enjoy your evenings off. The idea of going back to that place just makes you sick to your stomach. I get it. I have been in your shoes. And I’ll share with you what happened when I quit my teaching position at exactly this point in the school year almost ten years ago.

What my teaching situation was like

Quitting was one of the hardest decisions I ever made. My administrators were blindsided by the decision–after all, I was an experienced teacher with multiple years in urban schools, and I had a good handle on my classroom. My students were learning, and their benchmark test scores showed strong gains. The kids liked me, their parents liked me. Things seemed to be fine. But what people didn’t know was that it took EVERYTHING out of me to keep it that way.

Things seemed to be fine. But what people didn’t know was that it took EVERYTHING out of me to keep it that way.

I had just moved to the state and had no idea what to expect in my new school. I was disappointed to learn that most of my second graders were reading on a late kindergarten level, and the pressure to get them up to speed was weighing heavily on me. We had no windows in our classroom, and were not allowed to have recess or any break at all during the day (per district mandate), so I was stuck in a tiny, dark classroom with a large class of energetic seven-year-olds and zero outlet for all their energy.

Beyond our four walls, the school’s atmosphere was in total chaos. We couldn’t send students to the bathroom alone, as there had been instances of both girls and boys being raped there by other students. One of my kids found a knife on the ground on our way to lunch. An off-duty police officer and a drill sargeant were hired to help control the students in the cafeteria: one of them would bend over and scream in the children’s faces while the other marched up and down the center aisle, yelling into a microphone as the kids threw food around his head.

Not exactly a fun working and learning environment.

Things were quite a bit calmer in my classroom, but student behaviors still posed a huge problem. Getting students to respond appropriately to even the smallest request took Herculean, first-day-of-school efforts from me. It was like the movie Groundhog Day. We practiced the same basic routines and procedures over and over, and three quarters of the class just wasn’t internalizing anything.

Why I quit my teaching job mid-year (no, it wasn’t the testing)

My breaking point

I remember the exact breaking point. I hadn’t used our social studies books yet that year, but there was a particular passage I wanted the kids to check out as an intro to our activity. I said to the class, “Okay, when you hear the magic signal, you’re going to take out your social studies books and turn to page 35.” At the mention of the word social studies, one student burst into tears and crawled under desk so he could bang his head against the floor. (Later I learned this was a reaction to social studies he’d begun having in first grade and his previous teacher had no idea why.) Another boy murmured something under his breath, causing all the children in his vicinity to say, “Awwww…Andre called you the B word!”

Simultaneously, another child took out his social studies book but accidentally dropped it on the floor, causing the children around him to laugh. “What you laughing at, punk? Shut the F up!” and then punched the kid nearest him in the arm. The child who was punched did the same thing right back. The two of them sat there glaring at each other, and the children around them were either frozen in anticipation or egging them on to a fight.

Almost every child in the classroom was now either disrupting the lesson or distracted by the disrupters. One child had her hand up asking to go the bathroom. Another had his hand up and was pointing at the child next to him, who was gleefully ripping out pages of the social studies book. Yet another child was tapping me on my arm and asking me to repeat the page number.

As I took a deep breath and made a decision about which fire to put out first, I heard a scuffle outside the door and a voice come over the intercom. “Lockdown, code 3. Lockdown, code 3.” That meant the police were pursuing a suspect in the neighborhood, and I had to cover the small window on our door and move the class away from it.

I wanted to teach…and THAT wasn’t teaching

It was in that moment that I knew my job was not worth the energy expenditure I had to put out everyday. I realized that I was up against too many obstacles, and most of them were insurmountable. Things were not going to improve significantly and I was going to go home exhausted every day for the entire year.

I was managing the classroom, I was maintaining some sense of order, but I wasn’t teaching.

It wasn’t that I was incapable of handling it. That day, I could have had the class back on task within a minute or two after all those interruptions. But those things happened all day long, every day. I was managing the classroom, I was maintaining some sense of order, but I wasn’t teaching.

I wanted to have deep conversations with my students about current events.

I wanted to delve into books with them and watch their eyes light up when they made connections between the text and their own lives.

I wanted to see them develop a sense of curiosity and wonder about the world through investigations in science.

I wanted to teach.

But after seven weeks of school–almost the entire first quarter–the kids still weren’t anywhere near ready for those things. And so I was still spending the entire day disciplining students and teaching them basic work habits and socio-emotional skills.

The worst part? All teachers who were new to the district were required to stay in the same school for THREE YEARS. Sticking it out until June wouldn’t have done me any good, because I would have had no choice but to return to the same situation again in the fall. And again the following fall. I was trapped in that level of stress for another two and a half years, and the thought of going in for even one more day after the long weekend passed was enough to make me physically ill.

And yet the guilt I felt over even thinking about quitting was indescribable.

Making the decision to quit my teaching job

Was I really willing to abandon such a needy group of children in the middle of the school year?

What kind of person would give up on those kids and look for an easier job just so her own life could be more comfortable?

I felt selfish. I felt like a hypocrite. I felt like a failure as a teacher.

But I had to do it.

My principal was shocked and furious, vowing that I’d never work in the district again (Not for a million dollars, lady!, I wanted to yell.)

Even worse was the unexpected reaction of my students. I thought they’d be devastated, but most of the kids barely blinked when I told them Friday would be my last day. Part of their nonchalance was because of their young age, but I realized with a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach that they were so used to losing teachers and other important adults in their lives on just a moment’s notice that this was par for the course.

I got hugs and letters and a few tears on the last day, but the majority of the class was so wrapped up in their own issues that they weren’t even thinking about me. Five minutes before the final bell rang, two of my toughest kids got in a physical altercation over an eraser one of them had thrown, and I was so busy dealing with them and school security that there was no opportunity to have wistful goodbyes. My time at that school ended just as chaotically as it had started.

What happened after I quit my teaching job: a fresh start in a new school

My decision to quit in the  middle of the year would have been much tougher if I’d had to leave the field altogether. I know that’s the situation for many of you who are reading this post and unable to find other teaching jobs. I quit in a year when there were far more teaching positions then qualified teachers. You’re going to groan when I tell you that within a day of making my decision, I had an interview in a neighboring county and was hired on the spot.

But maybe you can relate to this part: the hope that in a different school, the love of teaching would return.

I can tell you without a doubt that it did. My new school had its problems, of course, but I felt safe there. My students were safe. And I was able to really teach again. I stayed in the classroom for another five years (and probably would have stayed longer, except I got married, moved to New York, and started doing instructional coaching). I even chose to spend my last two years as a classroom teacher in another inner city school.

Urban teaching is where my heart has always been, and will always be. I know that it doesn’t have to be a nightmare. These days I work with teachers in some of the toughest areas of Brooklyn, Harlem, and the Bronx, and I see the amazing things they’re able to do. The quality of teaching and learning in many high-poverty schools is truly exceptional and they can be fantastic places to work.

5 things to know if you’re thinking about quitting YOUR teaching job

There’s no clear-cut moral to this story, I suppose. I’m hoping it’s helpful just to know you’re not the only one and someone else has been through this.

But there are a few other things I want you to know if you feel like quitting teaching right now or are still feeling tremendous guilt about having quit:

1) It’s not your imagination–teaching IS getting harder.

Our students are coming to school with more and more problems, and the bar for achievement is continually being raised.

2) Sometimes, the school year does not get easier with time, and that’s not necessarily your fault.

Usually I’ve found that teaching becomes less stressful as the year progresses because students get the routines and make more and more academic progress. Occasionally, though, this was not true for me and it’s not true for other teachers I know. Sometimes the class is just a really difficult one and your stress level won’t improve until the following year when you have a different group. That’s very normal.

3) You are not a bad teacher just because your job feels too hard.

Even the best teachers get put in situations that are physically and mentally exhausting. Feeling like you want to quit does not mean that you were not cut out for the job, or are a bad person. The position you’re in just may not be the best one for you, or you may just be having an exceptionally tough year.

4) Quitting does not equal failure.

I struggled with the decision to quit long after I’d left the job, because I felt like I had abandoned the kids who needed me the most. I had to remind myself over and over: It’s not that I couldn’t do the job, it’s that I chose not to for my own mental well-being and physical health. I was not a failure, I was successful in taking care of myself. I have many other responsibilities in life in addition to being a teacher, and I was not willing to let all those other areas fall apart because of my job.

5) There are lots of ways to use your talents and gifts to help children.

 Many teachers who quit still have a deep desire to work with children and make a difference in their lives. There are many, many ways to do that. Your career as an educator does not have to be over simply because you don’t want to stay where you’re at.

Is quitting really the answer?

Now, to be clear: I’m not telling you to quit your job. Quitting is not always the right decision: in fact, there were plenty of other low points in my teaching career in which I wanted to walk away but didn’t. During those times, I found that I was frustrated in the moment, but I knew in my heart that things WOULD get better, that an overbearing principal would transfer to another school (he did), that the transition to a new curriculum would be for the best (it was), or that I could make it through just a few more months with an exasperating parent or student (I did.) One of the best things about teaching is that every fall is a new start. Sometimes the best thing to do is hold on until then.

But for those of you who have emailed asking me whether to quit your job or teach on (and there have been hundreds of those emails over the years), I continue to say: do what you know is best for yourself.

If you’re not sure, keep teaching. Hang in there as long as you can.

Read Awakened: Change Your Mindset to Transform Your Teaching and learn how to perceive stress differently.

Read Unshakeable: 20 Ways to Enjoy Teaching Every Day…No Matter What and get ideas for infusing your day with meaning, purpose, and joy.

Join The 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Club and get productivity hacks to help you achieve balance.

If and when you hit that breaking point–your gut feeling is to go, and the reasons to leave truly outweigh the reasons to stay–you’ll know, and you shouldn’t ignore that realization if you can find another option.

You will hear many voices within the school system telling you to prioritize your work (or more accurately, your students’ test scores) but it will be far less often that you hear the message to prioritize your health and well-being. I’m telling you that today.

It might mean finding another job, or it might mean staying and developing different coping strategies for stress, but my advice is to do whatever it takes to avoid complete burn out. I think as teachers we owe that to ourselves.

I’d love to read your stories on this topic. Have you ever quit mid-year? Are you thinking about doing it? What advice would you give teachers who are in that position?

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. Thank you for posting this. I have been teaching for 19 years and it is definitely getting harder – so hard that even old ones like me are ready to give it all up. There are many days that I wonder what else can I do with my degrees (2 Bachelors – 1 in Elementary Education, 1 in English and a Master of Education) that isn’t regular classroom instruction? I need ideas for helping kids outside the classroom and I’m all ears. 🙂

  2. I really appreciate this post. I’ve read it twice this week; I found it looking for something to shake me out of my funk. I’m a second year teacher who has left an urban position near the end of the year because the battles just got too much: The aging, windowless building, the lack of resources, the students, inconsistent consequences, problems with the administration…. I’m indeed heartened that I’m not the only one.

    Groundhog Day: That’s what it felt like for me. Six hours of getting the students to quiet down and trying to shove in enough instruction so it didn’t feel like I was just a babysitter.

  3. To the critics. This kind of stress is cumulative. It builds. You start out being an achiever and keep trying, but the circumstances out of your control keep eating away at you. Some of you critics are male and I will point out that children can have a different reaction to male teachers — if you are even teachers. But male or female, the climate in schools can be toxic and is building. It will damage education unless outside issues are fixed. Teachers turn on teachers, pushing others down trying to keep their own heads afloat. Teachers are not supported and yet support is exactly what will fix education.

  4. I found this site a week ago. I have been going back and reading it every day since then. I am so glad to know that I am not alone. After years of guilt, torment, and regret, as a teacher, I’ve decided to leave a post here and move on with my life. I need a catharsis.
    I’ve been a teacher for 12 years in a very large urban school district (the one where we’re on the news all the time, especially two years ago). I started out bright-eyed and dedicated, as all young teachers do. But as time passed, as my personal life moved forward, I began to question why I was a teacher. Yet, each day, I went to work with hope and vigor.
    Four years ago, I was laid off. My principal called and read a scripted letter about budget cuts. She told me she was ashamed and embarrassed for letting me go like this, but “the top” informed her that was how it was to be done. Shocked, I trudged on. I sent out resumes by the dozens, waiting to hear from someone. The interviews slowly rolled in. To my surprise, here’s the unprofessionalism that followed…
    I interviewed with a principal, who then offered me the job on the spot. He was leaving on vacation for two weeks and would submit all my paperwork to HR on return. The two weeks went by and I did not hear from him. I called and did not get a response. I emailed and didn’t get a response. Four weeks later I heard from him, “Sorry, due to budget cuts, we no longer have this position”.
    Another principal insisted I bring my master’s degree portfolio (it had been five years since I graduated). He spent an hour critiquing my works, telling I had the potential to be a great teacher. He then made me sit in an after-school class he taught for an hour, to show me what a great teacher does. He lectured at the students for an hour (they were fourth graders). A student didn’t know who to spell “frightening” asked him to put it on the board, he misspelled it.
    At yet another school, I interviewed with a team. I arrived on time and was kept waiting for an hour and a half in the middle of a snow storm. When the interview began, no one introduced themselves, but the questions started to roll. I couldn’t answer them. After about five minutes of this uncomfortableness, I looked down at the papers on the table. They had another teacher’s resume in hand. They were asking me questions scripted for another position.
    A third principal, didn’t ask about my teaching experiences, but was more concerned about my political affiliations. He called my references, not to ask what kind of teacher I was, but wanted to know how active I was with my union.
    One Sunday night, after my children were in bed (about 9), I received a phone call from a principal. She didn’t apologize for calling so late, but rushed right into a phone interview. Surprised, but polite, I answered to the best of my abilities. I looked like a great candidate! She said she would bring my resume to her special education team on Monday to set up an in person interview. Monday came, no call. Tuesday came, no call. I followed up on Wednesday, just voicemail. I called on Thursday, only voicemail. By Friday, I gave up.
    I felt disappointed. I was frustrated, but I wasn’t giving up. I decided to take long term subbing positions. At least this way, I would have an opportunity to get into a school, do what I love, and make money. I’d have to give up my tenure, but that was pointless anyway. So I went from school to school for a few years. At the end of each position, there was nothing permanent. One principal was kind enough to let me know “on the sly” that I’d have a hard time finding a position, since I cost too much to employ permanently.
    Yet, I trudged on. Two years ago, I took a yearlong maternity leave position. The school was over-crowded. We were cramped two classes in a room. Students were receiving services in broom closets, hallways, and utility rooms. But I was happy to have a job. I loved the kids. I went to work happy.
    After the holidays, as happens, teachers started to get burnt out. They started taking days off. There weren’t any substitutes. So, I, the special education teacher, got pulled to sub in various classrooms. Then, due to lack of staffing, I also became a recess monitor for an hour every day. I saw less and less of my special education students. They weren’t receiving their minutes according to their IEPs. They were falling behind. Parents were emailing me about their grades. I couldn’t tell them what was going. I couldn’t tell them they weren’t receiving services. I would have been fired!
    As an advocate for my special needs students, I went to the case manager, then to the assistant principal to voice my concerns. Nothing was done. “That’s just the way things are”, I was told. So I continued to do everything except teach my special needs students. While running from room to room monitoring students at recess, my inner voice was nagging me, “Part of my teacher evaluation were my student test scores! How were their scores going to look when I wasn’t even teaching my students on most days?”
    That little voice in my head rang true. My student test scores went down, my evaluation went down, and I was let go. But not before I was summoned to the principal’s office to be humiliated two months before my dismissal. This is what I was told, “The position has become permanent, but YOU personally make me uncomfortable. I work hard to make this school great. You are undermining me with your complaining about subbing and recess duty. You’re not a team player.” I stifled back tears and shock. I apologized to HER! I told her that it wasn’t a personal attack. I had concerns about meeting my students’ needs. Their IEP minutes weren’t being met. We were violating laws. It didn’t matter. Her mind was made up.
    I continued to work there. I didn’t quit. I did the best that I could. Each day I would drive to work with this horrible angst in my heart. I would swallow back tears as I walked in through the door. I put on a smile for my students. I taught them the best way I knew how, I wrote their IEPs, I spent hours writing lesson plans, making copies, and collaborating with my fellow teachers. I went outside and supervised them during recess. I subbed when I was told to sub. I was a “good little soldier” and did what I was told to do.
    So ignoring my family’s needs, my own mental health and sanity, I found another school to work at. I wasn’t a failure. I wasn’t a bad teacher. I was going to prove it to myself! I attended meeting after meeting about test scores, data walls, behavior management, and everything else you could imagine at the beginning of the year. You see, the requirements for teachers now, are five days of professional development with only three hours of teacher directed time before the start of the school year.
    I came in hours before and stayed hours after school to set up my classroom. There were no supplies, no materials, or anything in my classroom. I scoured the building. I went to thrift stores and teacher stores. I dragged in my own materials. I went in on the weekend to make my classroom welcoming and inviting. I worked on unit plans, lesson plans, and curriculum on weekends. My own children forgot they had a mother. I would kiss them as they were waking up in the morning and kiss them as they were going to bed at night.
    The school year began and so did the insanity. One particular student was extremely disturbed. He was out to get everyone. Within the first three weeks of school, he attacked other students and staff members. There were no consequences. Administration ignored him and pretended he didn’t exist. He told students, me, and other staff members, “Shut-up, you mother-@!?!s”. He tackled students in halls. He sexually harassed students and staff. He ran from classroom to classroom shouting his profanities. There’s so much more that went on, I can’t bear to write it.
    His aide chased him. I chased him. I called his mother. She wasn’t coming to school. I documented his behavior. I wrote referrals. Other teachers wrote referrals. Aides wrote referrals. That was all I was doing. I was not teaching. I was just documenting. And all I heard was silence from the administration. I emailed. I begged for a conference. I heard nothing, just morning announcements about how great the school year was so far.
    Each morning I would get up and tell myself that things would get better as the school year progressed. Each day I would come home and take out my anger and frustration on my own children. I screamed at them, I yelled at them, I humiliated them, all because of this one student. I had no support. I was on my own and it was only September. How was I going to make it the rest of the year?
    I knew I wasn’t. I knew deep down inside that this student of mine was going to keep on doing what he was doing. It wasn’t going to stop. That is how our system of education works, especially in the inner city. I felt nauseous. I couldn’t sleep. I was hiding in my bathroom crying, so my family wouldn’t see.
    So I did it. I QUIT.
    I went into work one early Monday morning and packed my personal belongings. I didn’t wait for administration. They’re always late due to some meeting. I apologized to the school secretary for inconveniencing her. I left all school property with her. I told her I was quitting. I left my resignation letter with her and I walked out.
    Deep down inside I felt like a coward. I felt so unprofessional for doing what I did. I should have stood up for myself. I should have stood up for all my other students. I should have waited for the principal and spoke my mind. But I just couldn’t. I was tired, shattered, and scared.
    I’m dealing with a lot of guilt. I gave up a month into the school year. I left my students behind. Students who really needed a good teacher are left with nothing. I left part of my dignity, self-esteem, and pride at that school. I am trying to find my peace. This site with all your stories brings me some of that peace I need. I know that I am not the only one: I was a good teacher, who tried, in spite of everything I’ve been through. I didn’t fail. The system failed. A system that is so disconnected from the children it serves and the teachers it employs, has failed. That student’s parents failed him. I won’t be held responsible for him or his behaviors. My family, my kids, and my mental stability come first.

  5. It’s so helpful to hear from someone who has been through a very similar situation as mine, and come out the other side.

    I’m feeling the exact same things you were describing, and seriously considering quitting. The problem is, I’ll lose my certificate in my state for the remainder of this year plus another year. The final straw for me has been that a parent has been threatening me for calling CPS. I really, really want to remain a teacher–just not in my current situation.

    I’m really at a loss. I don’t want to lose my certification, but I seriously question whether I’ll be able to live through this year.

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