The back-to-school displays can tempt you to spend hundreds of dollars on your classroom, can’t they? If you’re wondering What do I NEED to buy for my classroom? the answer is really “nothing.” You have no obligation to spend any money on your classroom, especially when you haven’t begun setting it up and don’t know what you already have. Most schools provide furniture, office supplies (scissors, staples, folders. etc.), bulletin board paper, textbooks, and manipulatives. However, this varies WIDELY from school to school and district to district—so check out your classroom first before buying anything!
Of course, the list of things you COULD buy is endless. I’ve always set a budget for myself (normally around $250 for the school year) and I stick to it. I’m always amazed at how many things I’m able to pick up throughout the school year for little or no money, so don’t worry if your classroom isn’t fully set up right from the first day.
The following items might be helpful for you to purchase (but you DON’T have to):
- Bulletin board borders:These can be purchased for about three to six dollars, and can sometimes even be found in dollar stores. Schools usually provide bulletin board paper but not the borders (go figure). Choose ones that can be left up all year if you don’t want to keep redoing your boards.
- Organizers for your supplies:The school will probably give you a bunch of pens but nothing to put them in, and tons of papers but no place to keep them except a single file cabinet. Here are some organizers I bought for my papers and organizers for lesson materials and files.
- A calendar to “do” with your kids:Be sure the last teacher in your room didn’t leave you one—these can be expensive.
- More unusual office supplies your school cannot provide (ask FIRST): Examples are sticky-tack, masking tape, magnets for holding things to the board, ink pads, a dry erase board, dry erase markers, and so on. Due to budget cuts, a school may provide these things one year but not the next, so make no assumptions.
- Children’s books:These are never a waste of money if you get a range of reading levels so any child you teach has a selection. Some schools provide class libraries but don’t expect to have one. I like to buy kids’ books off of eBay–some people sell them in lots (25 books for $15, for example.) You can see some of my book recommendations for the beginning of the year and read-alouds to help establish class norms and expectations.
- tech equipment:I’m not talking about buying computers: I mean the little things that can enhance the technology that the school already provides. If your school provides an LCD projector but no cord to enable sound from it, buy the cord. If you have 2 ethernet jacks and 4 computers, buy a splitter or a wifi router. A $40 purchase can make the difference between perfectly good equipment getting utilized or sitting unused all year.
What you SHOULDN’T buy if you have a limited budget (and who doesn’t?):
- Decorative posters:Use kid’s artwork, word walls, time lines, class-made charts and other things kids can actually use. Even educational posters can be handmade or printed free from the Internet. Commercial displays are okay, but if money is tight, skip them.
- Fancy center materials:You can download center materials for free online, borrow reproducible books from other teachers, and so on, AFTER you know what type of activities you want your kids to do. Most likely you won’t be using centers for a few weeks anyway.
- Stickers, pencils, candy, and other tangible rewards:If you’re on a budget, buy things for your classroom that will last and have a direct impact on student learning for years to come.
Questions to ask yourself when deciding what YOU need:
- Is this something I need right now, or something I think I might need one day? If it’s not an immediate need, it’s usually smart to wait. You might find you don’t need the item after all, or need something different…or you might find a way to get the need met without spending any money.
- What purpose does this serve? I try to focus on items that maximize my instructional time. I mostly buy things that make it easier for me to stay organized and for our classroom routines and procedures to run smoothly. The less time that I and the kids have to spend looking for something, the more time we have to focus on teaching and learning. I don’t spend a lot of money on instructional supplies because I’ve taught in schools that had nothing learned how to make it work.
- Is there any other way for me to get this, other than spending my own money? Can you ask a parent or a business to donate it? Can you trade or swap with someone? Can you make it yourself? Can you find a grant to cover the costs? Be creative!
Remind yourself that:
- Only you know what a reasonable budget for your situation. Decide in advance how much money you would be comfortable knowing that you’ve spent at the end of the year. Write that number down and don’t exceed it. If you do go over, do so knowing that you will force yourself to go under that amount the next year.
- There will always be more things you think you need. Just as you’ve accepted that you can’t buy an item from every single fashion trend for clothes and home goods, you have to accept the fact that you can’t buy every classroom material that’s on the market…and that’s okay. Not buying things for your classroom doesn’t make you a “bad teacher” anymore than not buying a new outfit makes you a bad dresser. Don’t feel guilty about saying no!
- Don’t worry about what everyone else is getting. The items you need for your classroom will be different from what everyone else needs.No two teachers are alike, and no two classrooms are alike.
- Teaching strategies matter more than teaching materials. Kids learn best from teachers who care about them and are passionate about their work.Fancy materials are just the icing on the cake.
- Your classroom is a work in progress. It does NOT have to be complete on day one! Let the room evolve as the kids start taking ownership of it. Add to it together.
This post has been adapted from The Cornerstone book and eBook! In it, you’ll find more information on preparing for the first weeks of school, classroom arrangement, avoiding the paper trap, finding and filing instructional resources, organizing a classroom library, and more.
What do YOU think is worth buying (or not) for the classroom? What guidelines do you follow when deciding what to purchase?
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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My best purchases for my classroom:
Metal letter trays that lock together. A bit of an investment up front (Target still carries the ones I have), but they’ve already lasted 9 years, still look new, and most importantly, they do not topple when used.
Cheap fabric for bulletin boards. I work at the high school level; they don’t typically provide bulletin board paper. Fabric can be cut to size (no boarders needed), fading is much slower (if at all), does not show staple holes, and can be used for years. If needed, a quick wash will refresh it. Stick to very simple patterns/small prints. Remember, it’s just a background for announcements, student work, etc.
USB Hub. No matter what, you’ll never seem to have enough USB ports for everything you need to do. My local used bookstore/gaming store typically has these as well for just a few bucks. The $15-$20 that office supply stores charge would still be worth it to me. I have a 4 port hub with a longer cord, allowing me to place it on my desk wherever it’s most convenient for me.
Sidenote on school issued supplies:
If your school gives you a say in which model of tape dispenser they’ll order, get the one with the tape hub (the part that holds the roll in place) is attached. Students think it’s amusing to steal the hub.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing.
I learned quickly to avoid patterned bulletin board borders because they ended up never quite matching. Stick to the plain colors. I also stopped buying holiday decorations because the displays become outdated the minute the holiday is over and I didn’t always have time to change them out. Instead I would buy seasonal decorations that would last longer i.e. pumpkins instead of jack o lanterns.
Also, the BEST place to get used books for your classroom is public library book sales. The books are often in great shape, they just have to make room for new ones on the shelf. They are also often covered with plastic book jackets that help them hold up longer. You can also find great nonfiction titles that really appeal to the boys and reluctant readers. Almost all public libraries have a book sale area or an annual event and the prices are near garage sale ones.
Great tips, Brandilee! Thank you so much for sharing!
After 25 years of teaching, I know not to buy little stickers and toys as prize giveaways. my prizes include no cost items such as sitting in the rolling chair, writing with colored pens, or 10 minutes of drawing time. The most popular prize in my class is bringing a stuffed animal from home and letting it sit on your desk for the whole day.
Great ideas!
Great tips! I just moved to a 3rd-5th resource room. I’ve been saving wall space for my student displays and anchor charts. You’re article is reassurance that I’m on the right track.
Wonderful! Thanks, Heather.
Things to buy: dry erase markers-they often have great back to school deals. Yes, I asked parents for them at the beginning of the year and got some, but with kids using them, we seem to go though them so quickly! Parents tend to be good about bringing in Kleenex and hand sanitizer, don’t be afraid to ask 🙂 That reminds me, I need to add a donation of zip locks to my weekly newsletter!
There are definitely some great back-to-school deals for dry erase markers! Thanks for mentioning it.