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40 Hour Workweek

Uncategorized   |   Feb 19, 2021

Want to write with me? I’m hiring!

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Want to write with me? I’m hiring!

By Angela Watson

Over the next few months, I will be transitioning my website, TheCornerstoneForTeachers.com, to TruthforTeachers.com. With more than 6.2 million episode downloads, the Truth for Teachers podcast has become my primary method of sharing ideas, and I think the name really embodies the type of resources I want to offer.

Part of my vision for expanding Truth for Teachers beyond just the podcast is to center the voices of classroom teachers, and make the site a place to share wisdom from a diverse group of educators, rather than just my own expertise.

I’m not planning to step away in any capacity, and will still be 100% in charge of the podcast and sharing new episodes weekly. My goal is to expand what I’m currently offering teachers, and have more awesome stuff for you than what I could create alone.

Freelance work description

I’m looking to hire around 10 freelance teacher-authors to create articles and resources for the new Truth for Teachers collective.

You will be asked to submit a new article or resource approximately every other month (6 per year.) 

Since the application deadline is March 15th, we anticipate new hires publishing their first post in April/May, and working on an every other month basis moving forward.

The pay rate will generally be between $75-$200 per article, depending on the length and whether there are photos or printable/downloadable resources included.

These freelance positions will be customized for the needs, talents, and preferences of the folks who come on board. I would love to have some regular “columnists” who write about dedicated topics assigned to them, allowing readers to get to know them and look forward to their latest articles.

4 types of freelance work available

When applying, you may express interest in one or more of the following article categories:

#1: “How to” articles with classroom photos, videos, and/or tutorials 

These articles include practical strategies that teachers frequently search for online, and may cover organization, tech tools, lesson ideas, pedagogical strategies, and so on. You’d take something you do well with your students and show other teachers step-by-step how it’s done.

#2: Mindset strategies and encouragement

These are long form articles that speak to relatable experiences and help teachers feel less alone. You might talk about how to mentally reframe a stressful situation and approach it from a more helpful perspective, such as when a parent criticizes you, or you’re feeling testing pressure, or you have students who are challenging to engage. 

#3: Productivity and timesaving strategies

Any writer for these articles should be a graduate of my 40 Hour Teacher Workweek program, so you’re familiar with my philosophy/strategies. You can share how you’ve used the ideas and adapted them for your classroom, as well as other 40 Hour-aligned practices you’ve discovered on your own. 

#4: Ready-to-use lessons, printables, and activities

These articles would be fairly short (1,000 words minimum unless the article is photo-based) and include ready-to-use curriculum resources in the form of Google Slides, a Google Doc, PPT, PDF, etc. I envision the majority of these resources being free for teachers, but if the right person applies, I may have additional work for you in creating larger units and projects that would be for sale.

Freelancer requirements

  • Have strong writing skills beyond just mechanics: While you’ll develop your own “voice” on the blog, it needs to fit with the style and tone of existing content, and need minimal editing for clarity and organization.
  • Have a high level of familiarity with Google Drive: Our team collaborates almost entirely in Drive, and you’ll be composing in Docs. If you know WordPress, that’s a bonus, as your content will eventually be published through that platform.
  • Have meaningful work experience in K-12 education: While I prefer to amplify the voices of current classroom practitioners, I know that admins, school psychs and counselors, and other educators have tons of wisdom to offer and they’re encouraged to apply. I also know that young educators have an important perspective, so there’s no specific amount of teaching experience required.
  • Have read and agreed with the tenants of the Truth for Teachers Mission Statement: I want to build a cohesive team of like-minded folks with shared values and similar goals.
  • Have a social justice and equity-centered approach to teaching: We won’t have a dedicated author for these topics: they will be embedded naturally in everything we publish. Some articles may not explicitly address equity, but it’s a lens through which every educator on the team needs to view their practice.

How to apply

Fill out the application here, which asks you to submit a guest blog post for consideration. You may submit 2 posts if you would like to apply for more than one article type.

You do not need to be U.S.-based to apply.

I anticipate many high quality submissions, and don’t want your hard work to go to waste. So, I may end up publishing the posts of more people, not just those 10 folks I eventually hire as freelance team members.

You will be paid a $50 honorarium if your guest blog post is published and will receive a byline on the site. (You’ll receive the $75-$200 per article rate if you’re hired for the team.) 

Application deadline is March 15th.

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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    1. This is awesome. It is good to share with and learn from others. Your website “truthforteachers” captures your intention.

      Yes. I want to write with you.

    2. Hey, Angela.
      I only recently stumbled across your site & find it thought-provoking. I’d love to join your team of contributors.
      I’ve been teaching since 1991, with a short hiatus into communications & journalism at the turn of the century. I was brought up in Dubai, in a cultural hotpot or sorts, so I understand & appreciate difference. I’ve taught in different cities of Pakistan & in Mauritius. I have taught primary school, lower & higher secondary, and even adult learners. Next month, I’m moving to Poland.
      Would you like to see samples of my ramblings?

      1. Angela,
        Hiring a voice with diverse experience would be an interesting read. I have only taught in Texas, but have traveled a bit in my life. I would love to hear perspective from someone who has taught in various countries.

        Best of luck, Tj Hussain. I would love to see “samples of your ramblings” in upcoming posts.

      2. I’m just looking for the 4 types of content outlined here for now. If you can incorporate your experiences into that style of content, I’d love for you to apply using the form above.

    3. Do you have an example lesson to share? I am interested in doing science and art lessons.

      1. I’d recommend checking out the blog posts on the site–I’m looking for something similar in content to those. I don’t publish any subject area-specific lessons, as there’s tons of folks who cover those niches really well. I’m looking for teaching techniques and widely applicable strategies that lots of different teachers could use. For example, questioning techniques, Google Classroom hacks, ways to simply project based learning, creative grading/assessment ideas, etc.

    4. Thank you, Angela! Your dedication and vision are inspiring! Thank you for giving all of us a voice!

    5. I am so happy to hear that you are doing this! I am a graduate of your Hour Workweek and would love to become a contributor to your team. I recently started blogging, but COVID-slowed it down to almost a complete hault. I am ready to start writing and contributing. It is integral that teachers’ voices are heard and shared in the teaching community and beyond. I will begin working on my application and samples. Thanks, Angela!

    6. I would love to write with you! Please let me know if you are still accepting applications?


  1. Very interesting opportunity! Are these positions open to Canadian teachers? Also, have you considered translating some of your ressources to French?

    1. This is open to international teachers, yes. I’ve considered translating some of my resources, but it’s quite costly, and I don’t think the demand is that high, based on the number of inquiries I’ve had. So, I’d have to be sure it was worth the investment of time and money before taking it on.

  2. Yes. Absolutely want to share my vast knowledge and experience with the community of educators!

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