I was going to write about a post about how teachers should relax, enjoy the Thanksgiving break, and not think about school even once. Family is more important than work, and ultimately, taking a break from school stuff can make you a more relaxed and energized teacher. But, there’s a problem.
Choosing not to grade papers or do any lesson planning usually means extra stress when returning to work on Monday morning. Most of us have do at least a little bit of work at SOME point over the weekend to prevent chaos the next week. Of course, that “work” often involves dragging a bag full of papers and supplies home, and then dragging the completely untouched bag right back to school again the following week.
That approach is often accompanied by desperate begging on Sunday night…
The solution will look different for each one of us. Some teachers–like me–try to do a little extra in the week or two before a break so they can relax over the holiday. Others get all their work done on the first day of the break, while still others put school out of their mind until Sunday and take care of everything then. And a few brave souls simply say, “The work will still be there on Monday,” and don’t do anything out of the ordinary to prepare.
Have you found an approach that is workable for you and your family? Please share how you balance school work and holiday vacations. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you get some quality time to RELAX, as you’ve earned it!
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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