As I mentioned in a video earlier this week, there are a lot of things that classroom teachers face on a daily basis that it seems like no one is talking publicly about. These are challenges that feel insurmountable, and we’re not hearing solutions because no one is admitting there is a problem.
Watch this 4 minute video to see what I’m talking about:
I want all of that to change with Unshakeable. I want to get to the heart of what makes teaching enjoyable and help every single teacher tap into those principles so they can love their work every day, no matter what.
I’m ready to get Unshakeable in the hands of teachers NOW. The book and eBook are in stock on my website and Amazon. Let’s do this. Let’s make teaching enjoyable once again!
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I’ll also be sharing information soon about a fun online book club.
Click here to get your print or eBook copy of Unshakeable from my site or from!
Thank you, as always, for your support. I believe this book will make a HUGE difference in your level of job satisfaction and work-life balance, and I can’t wait wait to hear your thoughts and experiences.
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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