The first virtual event entirely focused on saving teachers TIME! And the best part? It’s totally FREE!
The 40 Hour Teacher Workweek program is an online course first created in 2015 (with a total update in 2020), and we’ve now had tens of thousands of teachers complete the course.
With so many different personality types and teaching contexts, the amount of new ideas to spring out of the course was inevitable. I’ve always been impressed by the tweaks, offshoots, extensions, and transformations teachers have done as they’d made my ideas their own.
And now, I’ve finally got an awesome way to feature them and share their phenomenal work!
In the 40 Hour Teacher Workweek Online Summit this summer:
- 30+ presentations and roundtable discussions are included
- Opening and closing keynotes by 40 Hour founder Angela Watson (that’s me)
- All session presenters are current K-12 classroom teachers + 40 Hour members
- No fluff, filler, icebreakers, or pitches: each session is just 15-20 minutes long
- Chat with other teachers during the live sessions to get personalized advice
This event is entirely online, completely FREE, and beneficial for all K-12 teachers!
Some of our presenters will take you on a video tour of their classrooms to share organizational tips and classroom routines. Other presenters will screen share their way through tutorials of how they organize digital files, save links, manage assessment, or plan lessons. Still others will give a fast rundown of all their best timesaving tips for grading, differentiation, email, and more.
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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I would love to learn more at this event