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Mindset & Motivation   |   Mar 17, 2021

Power through: Support + encouragement to finish the school year in a strong and determined way

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Power through: Support + encouragement to finish the school year in a strong and determined way

By Angela Watson

Most of us in the northern hemisphere are heading into the home stretch of the school year…but sometimes, just getting through today can feel too demanding.

You’re (unfortunately) in good company if you’re STILL drowning this school year. I’m guessing you can’t bear to learn one. more. new. thing. because the overwhelming amount of tasks on your plate have already changed so many times.

Your energy and enthusiasm is low, student engagement is low, and the momentum you built earlier in the school year seems to have faded.

The next few weeks are going to be about powering through and making the very best of a difficult situation until the school year is complete.

And to do that, I thought it might help to have a realistic + regular pep talk from someone who’s rooting for you.

If just a bit more ongoing encouragement and practical mindset shifts could be useful, check this out.

Each week on Wednesday mornings, I’ll show up in your inbox with a word of encouragement to help you power through the end of the school year.

The messages will be EASY TO READ, with a 5 MINUTE AUDIO VERSION if you’d like to literally hear a reassuring voice. 

  • Week 1: Rest
  • Week 2: Reconnection
  • Week 3: Resilience
  • Week 4: Reframing
  • Week 5: Reflecting
  • Week 6: Release of Regrets

I’m calling this series “Power Through”, because I think that’s probably the most realistic approach for most folks. Powering through means “to continue in a strong and determined way until the end of something, even when it’s difficult.” That’s the task ahead of us in the next few weeks, and I hope this mid-week encouragement will give you a boost of energy and help equip you for whatever challenges come your way.

Would you like an extra message of support each Wednesday for the next 6 weeks to help power through to the end of your school year?

Enter your email address to sign up for the weekly message to be automatically delivered each Wednesday.

Just enter your email above, and you’ll automatically receive an extra message of support each Wednesday morning for the next 6 weeks.

Your first “Power Through” message will come right to your inbox immediately so you’ll know you’re signed up and can get some helpful advice right away.

You can unsubscribe from anything, anytime, using the link provided at the bottom of every email.

This series is not about giving you more things to do or learn–you’ve had enough of that this school year.

I’m just offering a few short, kind words each week to help clear away overwhelm and shift your perspective so you feel more energized.

You’re almost at the finish line, my friend. Let’s continue together in a strong and determined way until the end: we’re going to Power Through this together.

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. Boy have I had some regrets and some good moments too this year. I don’t even know how I get through it all except with help from God and my wife. I can’t wait to hear some encouraging words, so I can give them to others around me as well. Thanks for doing this.
    Carl Beatty
    Art Teacher

  2. Working harder and harder ever year, year on year but the ruler to measure my work dont match the work given. Colleagues who are supposed to be helped and be of help, play selective mutism game. Despair is my bff inthe midst of the smiles and laughter others get to see

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