-I forgot my lunchbox in the room.
-I can’t remember how I’m getting home today.
-My mom wants you to call her. I don’t know why.
-Do we have to write our last names?
-I left it on the playground.
-It was right here, and now I can’t find it!
-I couldn’t do my homework because I had football practice.
-I’m finished! Now what do I do?
-What time is lunch?
-Do we have P.E. today?
-Can I call my dad and see if he can bring my library book?
-Nevermind. I forgot what I was gonna say.
-I don’t get it. Read what directions?
-Do you want us to check our work?
-I don’t have a pencil.
-Do we have homework?
-Is today Tuesday?
-Are we going outside now?
-I’m hungry. I wish it was lunchtime.
-I had my Nintendo DS in my backpack and now it’s gone.
-I left my backpack at home.
-I don’t have any paper.
-What are we supposed to be doing?
-She’s not putting away her book like you said.
-I wasn’t talking! He was talking to me!
-I didn’t do nothing.
-Was my mom ‘posed to sign this?
-What progress report?
-I stepped in the puddle. By accident.
-I kicked him in the face. By accident.
-Do we have to write in complete sentences?
-Is it time to go home now?
-Do we have school tomorrow?
Add your own in the comments!
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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