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Uncategorized   |   Jul 16, 2012

My third book! (giveaway)

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

My third book! (giveaway)

By Angela Watson


I’m very excited to announce that The Awakened Devotional Study Guide for Christian Educators is being released this week! This book has truly been a labor of love and I’m thrilled to share it with you all.

Last summer, I published Awakened: Change Your Mindset to Transform Your Teaching to share the story of how I went from being professionally burned out to feeling rejuvenated and ready to handle whatever life in the classroom brings. I explained how you can develop thought habits that produce an unshakeable sense of contentment, motivation, and purpose. The book drew upon principles of stress management, cognitive behavioral therapy, spiritual truths, and personal experiences. Awakened is not a Christian book: it was written to speak to ALL educators, regardless of their faith or lack thereof. But its principles can be connected to countless biblical truths by those who choose to seek them out.

The Awakened Devotional Study Guide for Christian Educators is designed to deepen Christian teachers’ understanding of the principles in Awakened. The guide elaborates on what God’s word has to say about renewing our minds. It’s 8.5 x 11 and is designed to be a workbook where you can record your thoughts and respond to what you’ve read.

Each devotion is 4 pages: the first page includes the corresponding Awakened reading and an opening reflection where you can write down your initial thoughts as well as notes from Awakened if needed. The second page has the devotion and a wide left margin for notetaking. The third page has the application questions (with space for your responses) and an additional scripture reading (with space to add other related Bible verses you’re reminded of.) The fourth page has a “to do” challenge with a work space and a prayer.


You can use The Awakened Devotional Study Guide for Christian Educators on your own or with a group in your community. I’m also offering the first (and only?) online Bible study developed specifically for educators. Beginning the week of August 5th and continuing through the week of January 27, 2013, we’ll be working through one devotion together on a weekly basis. The application questions will be posted on a private blog each Sunday. You can read and respond to the devotion any time during that week, and then the next set of questions will be posted the following Sunday. I conducted a focus group for the devotional book before it was published and we used this format–it was so much fun to grow with one another, share prayer requests, etc! I definitely think it enhances the experience to have a group of educators who are working through the same topics and issues as you are.

Here are the details and sign-up for the online Bible study group and to get ordering/purchasing information. You can also read the reviews of the book and online Bible study book club from those who participated in the focus group.

Also, if you weren’t aware of it, I write a separate blog of free devotions for teachers, so there are some resources there, as well.

Want to win a copy of the devotional study guide? Just leave a super short comment on this post sharing one way your faith has had a positive impact on your teaching or attitude toward your work as an educator.  If you haven’t already bought Awakened, I’ll also send the winner an eBook copy of that, as well. The contest will close at midnight on Monday, July 23rd and a winner will be selected at random. If you decide to buy the book now and then end up winning the give-away, I’ll refund your money.



(I did not count the two entries that were replying to other commenters or the person who already has a copy and indicated she was not trying to win the book, just wanted to share how much she loved it. Those “side conversations” are perfectly fine–thank you for leaving them!) The winner is #67, Laura, who wrote, “I try to remind myself each day that the students I teach are God’s children. No matter how they act or what they do, they deserve to be treated as children of God.”

As always, I appreciate the thoughtful comments you all took the time to leave, and I am touched by your stories. If you didn’t win, but would like to participate in our online Bible study/book club starting August 5th, use this link to get Awakened and the devotional for $5 off (that’s $30 for both books including Priority Mail Shipping for U.S. residents). Another way to save money is to get the eBook versions.

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. I have found that when times get tough teaching inner city instrumental and vocal music, I just give it ALL to God. I used to worry about all the little things that I was unable to do in a school day, or school year, but after deciding that all that I have and all that I am belongs to Him, I trust in Him to use me as He has already planned. I have found that I am A LOT more stress-free when I give Him the troubles of the day that are out of my control!!! I can’t wait to check out the devotional!!

  2. One of my biggest moments of faith happened when my principal volun-told me I was being moved from 3rd to 5th grade next year. After many years I needed to remember that God has a plan for me and it is not always want I want. I’m reminded of the Lord’s prayer “thy will be done.”

  3. I know that my faith has given me peace and encouragement during challenging times, and the immense joy of watching each of them grow in so many ways each day. I am blessed beyond measure to be their teacher!

  4. I had a student last year who pushed every button. I started praying that God would show me things in this young man that I could like about him. God answered the prayer as one day I was talking with this young man and the thought struck me…I really like this kid. I could see his good qualities and appreciate them, and appreciate him for whom God made him to be. I praise God for opening my eyes to the blessings that surround me daily.
    Thanks Angela. I’m excited for your online Bible study!
    Grace to You, Brenda

  5. The hope I have in Jesus translate into my classroom the first day I started. I was working full time again after being out of the workforce for 17 years. I knew if I was going to be successful in this new endeavor, I had to begin every day focus on Jesus, what HE did and does for me, and what HE can do through me.

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