Math can be a really fun subject to teach, but many teachers are intimidated by the amount of management involved with hands-on learning. This page will help you learn to distribute, use, and collect manipulatives. You’ll also discover how to set and reinforce your expectations for cooperative learning. In addition, you’ll find lots of quality resources for math centers and math games for school and home.
Pages in This Section
Math Game Routines
Math Games/Center Ideas
Math Journals
Math KITs (Fact Practice Games)
Math Manipulatives
Math Vocabulary & Word Walls
Easy and Creative Centers
Ideas for Free Centers
Setting Up Centers.
Recommend Resources
You can also check out my Delicious bookmarks and Diigo bookmarks. I save all my favorite education websites to Diigo (which automatically cross-posts to Delicious). Previously, I only shared my bookmarks with the teachers I coach when recommending resources for them, but realized this might be something useful for website visitors, too. Many of the sites are technology or interactive whiteboard (IWB) resources.
If you’re not familiar with how bookmarking sites work: you can search the bookmarks using the tags I’ve assigned for various subject areas and grade levels (1,2,3,4,5, 6-8, 9-12). All the tags are listed on the side of the page. So, for example, if you want to see only math resources for grade 5, you would type math and 5 in the search box.
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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