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Uncategorized   |   Feb 11, 2009

Lack of time management, now in graph form!

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Lack of time management, now in graph form!

By Angela Watson

Graphjam.com is brought to you courtesy of icanhascheezburger.com. The site allows you to make everything from venn diagrams to line plots, and is so easy to use, a LOLcat could do it. Or your students. I highly recommend showing them how.

Here’s my first graph creation, for your viewing pleasure:


Not shown: time spent reading blogs. The sliver would have been too minuscule to show up on the pie chart. 😉

And how do you spend YOUR prep periods? Bonus points if you create graphs on your break. Double bonus points if you comment on this post during your break. Wait, don’t tell your principal I said that.


Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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  1. hahaha

    Now I see I’m not the only one


    wait… I don’t spend that amount of time on photocopies making and I DO TRY to use more time on the actual planning


    I would have to add stuff like “facebook checking”,grading papers, meetings with the Pshycologist and English teachers meetings


  2. This very topic has been troubling me. I can’t figure out what happens to my prep time! Maybe I should pay attention and make a chart Might be revealing…

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