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Sponsors & Supporters   |   May 16, 2018

Give Greatness Contest: Win $40,000 worth of classroom tech from SMART

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Give Greatness Contest: Win $40,000 worth of classroom tech from SMART

By Angela Watson

Teaching can feel like a thankless job at times, and it’s amazing how the simplest recognition can make a big difference. A quick word of encouragement from a colleague, student, or parent, can turn your entire day around.

I remember many years ago when the amazing teacher next door to me was feeling really discouraged. She was actually doing a lot better than she gave herself credit for, but as a new-ish teacher, she felt overwhelmed with all the things she still had to learn about how to best support her students.

On a whim, I decided to put a sticky note in her mailbox that said, “I see the work you’re putting in, and it’s paying off for your kids. I promise.”

That choice took just a moment of my time, but she and I are friends to this day, and she STILL talks about how that note gave her the confidence and motivation to keep going. She laminated that note, and it hangs on her bulletin board to remind her she’s appreciated and is making a difference.

If something as simple as writing a note to a colleague can be that encouraging…imagine what could happen if you spent just a few moments recognizing him or her in a contest for a massive amount of free tech for the classroom.

If you know an extraordinary colleague who inspires you and others, here’s your chance to help him or her expand that impact even further…and you can BOTH win big!

SMART Tech, the creator of the SMART Board and SMART Learning Suite, is launching their Give Greatness contest. The contest aims to recognize inspiring educators who go to great lengths to help their students, families, and fellow educators, and who make a real difference in the community.

To nominate someone from your school, all you have to do is to go to the Give Greatness contest page share his or her story in 250-500 words.

If chosen for the grand prize, the winning teacher AND the person who nominated him or her will have a full SMART Tech classroom technology package worth over $40,000 installed in their classrooms.

The package includes a:

  • 30 Chromebooks
  • SMART Board interactive display
  • SMART Learning Suite software subscription
  • SMART Document Camera
  • SMART audio classroom amplification
  • SMART training and implementation support to help you fully utilize the system

Enter no later than August 31st. The grand prize winner will be announced in November 2018.

I hope you’ll take a few minutes to nominate a fellow educator. The nomination alone can be a tremendous encouragement, and if s/he wins, you can BOTH achieve more breakthroughs in the classroom and make an even bigger impact through your work.

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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