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Uncategorized   |   Jan 14, 2012

Check out my classroom photo tour (2007)

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Check out my classroom photo tour (2007)

By Angela Watson

Welcome to my collection of third grade classroom photos! These photos of a classroom in Broward County, Florida, were taken by me in 2007. I’ve kept the text exactly the same as when I first uploaded them to this website so that it feels like you’ve just walked into my room and are taking a tour!

Classroom pictures


Here’s the front of the room.  I sectioned off the white board with bulletin board borders.  The top left corner is where I keep track of their points each team is earning for good behavior.  To the far right I put our daily schedule and notes for the children.


The chart stand to the left has our literacy summary on it (spelling words, comprehension strategies, word study focus, etc.) for the week.  Under the TV I keep different types of blank paper.  The drawers on the carts hold various materials I use frequently.


I have my desk set up by the window this year.  I like it because of the natural light—I can keep the overhead lights off when the kids aren’t in the classroom.


Because we don’t use most of our workbooks or textbooks very often, I keep them in the back of the room on the shelf.  I started off the year like this–all the workbooks together–but found that it was quicker for the kids to get their materials when the workbooks were arranged by student number so that each child’s materials were altogether.  I then labeled the shelves with students’ numbers and kept them that way (so all of child #1’s books were together, etc.).


About halfway through the year, I put my kids in groups.  I have tried this every year I have been teaching (that would be 7 times), and it never worked for me until this year.  I always find that it’s too hard to keep the kids from talking during instruction and independent work times because they’re facing each other.  However, this group was able to handle it!  (The few kids who couldn’t sat alone.) I loved having the groups angled like this because all the kids could see the board and I could stand in one spot and see everyone’s face and desk.

There’s more!  Click here to see the center areas from this classroom (my 2006-2007 room) on the Setting Up Centers/Stations page.

More of My Classroom Tours


Classroom Photos After 2009
Classroom Photos 2009
Classroom Photos 2008
Classroom Photos 2006
Classroom Photos 2005
Classroom Photos 2004
Classroom Photos 2003
Classroom Photos Before 2003

Check Out Other Teachers’ Classroom Photos

Want to see photos of Other Teachers’ Rooms?  I’ve collected classroom pictures from educators in all different parts of the United States! Learn their tips for desk arrangement, organization, and more.

Please Share YOUR Classroom Photos!

Would you like to have your pictures featured here? I’d love to add your classroom pics to the Other Teachers’ Rooms page! Contact me via email with the link to your Flickr, Tumblr, Picassa, blog, Pinterest board, or even a public Facebook album! Don’t worry about making sure everything looks perfect: we want to see REAL classrooms that are used by REAL students every day! International teachers–we’d especially love to see what your rooms look like!

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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