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Uncategorized   |   Oct 8, 2010

Fall fix It give-away!

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Fall fix It give-away!

By Angela Watson

I don’t do a lot of bloggy things like contests and give-aways and product promotions. But Elmer’s glue has been a classroom staple since cut-and-paste was invented, and if they’re offering free stuff to blog readers, how can I resist?

October 11-15 is Elmer’s Fall Fix It Week, which is basically the opposite of spring cleaning: Elmer’s will be offering how-to advice for simple fixes to help you enjoy the things you already own and love, even if they’re not in the best shape. Part of this event involves a contest, which Elmer’s notified me of by sending this glue bottle with a cute little cape to proclaim that it’s the ‘hero of the junk drawer’. Irresistible, no? The contest is targeted at the readers of ‘mom bloggers’, so I’m pretty excited to be the sole educator involved in the give-away. Let’s represent for the teachers! Woo-hoo! Who appreciates freebies more than us?? And don’t we have the greatest talent for keeping old raggedy items functional and making them look fabulous?

Here’s how it works: Choose something that’s broken in your classroom (or home) that you can’t decide whether it’s worth fixing, or if it should be tossed, donated, or recycled. Describe your broken object in a comment on this post. You can enter more than one scenario as long as they’re in separate comments. I’ll pick three scenarios that I think are worth saving and send them to Elmer’s to be posted on their Facebook page. Those three entries will win an Elmer’s Fall Fix-It Prize Pack (pictured below) to help with the fix:


Deadline to enter is 12 noon on Monday, October 11.

Throughout that week, you can visit Elmer’s Facebook page, where they’ll be posting different “toss it or fix it” scenarios daily–you can weigh in with your verdict there or join the conversation on Twitter using the hashtags #FallFixIt or #fixortoss. On Friday, October 15, the winners of the Elmer’s prize pack will be officially announced via email and as a final comment to this post. If you want a sneak peek, be sure to check Elmer’s Facebook page to see if your entry has been posted!

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela is a National Board Certified educator with 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach. She started this website in 2003, and now serves as Editor-in-Chief of the Truth for Teachers...
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