I’m so excited about heading to San Antonio next weekend for ASCD’s annual conference! I was given a press pass again this year (woo-hoo!) and am looking forward to covering the events right here on my blog. And because I’ll be live-blogging some of the sessions, you’ll get to attend virtually!
Before the sessions start, I’ll choose the ones that will be live-blogged and announce them on here, Twitter, and Facebook. If you visit my site during the sessions, you’ll be able to post comments and questions for me as I share in real time what’s happening in the conference hall. If you haven’t done this before, it’s a lot of fun and super easy–I really encourage you to try it out! And of course, the live-blogged sessions will be saved so you can read them here at any time.
To get an idea of how this works, you can see my ASCD 2009 live-blogging sessions here and my conference observations, analysis, and reflections here. Leave a comment on this post if you have suggestions about what type of sessions you’d like to attend virtually, or to let me know you’ll be in San Antonio and would like to meet up. I hope to interact with you all throughout the weekend!
UPDATED 3/1: Many sessions–including all of the general sessions–will be live-streamed and available for free viewing on the ASCD website. You can see a schedule of events here.
UPDATED 3/5: On Saturday, I will be live-blogging two sessions (4:00-5:00 and 5:15-6:15). On Sunday I will live-blog from 3:45-4:45 and 5:00-6:30, and possibly during some earlier sessions, as well. Since I’m also representing BrainPOP in the Exhibition Hall, I don’t want to commit to live-blogging during exhibition hours until I get a feel for how we’ll be running the booth this weekend. Really looking forward to this–thanks to you all for being a part of it!
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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