Are your students overloaded with outdated, irrelevant test prep materials that do nothing to prepare them for real life tasks?
The solution is simple!
Don’t despair and start giving relevant, authentic assignments that involve research and reference on the internet. Instead, just distribute a worksheet with a picture of a computer screen on it!
This clever idea can be used with ANY 20th century reading passage. Simply keep the screen shot of the internet tool bars featured on the top portion of the worksheet and replace the web page info with any other dull article that needs a 21st century makeover. Be sure to attach lower-level thinking multiple choice questions to accompany your “web page”.
Meeting the needs of 21st century learners has never been easier! If you provide practice activities that give the illusion of technology integration, your students are sure to become viable members of the 21st century workforce in an equally illusionary way.
Angela Watson
Founder and Writer
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