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40 Hour Workweek

Mindset & Motivation, Productivity Strategies, Truth for Teachers Collective

Apr 27, 2022

We need to stop judging and criticizing other teachers for how much we work
“We all know you can’t do this job well without working every night and every weekend.” “For an English teacher, if you’re doing it right, I don’t see how you could NOT be overwhelmed all the time.” “Well, anyone leaving the building by 3 every day isn’t doing their job.”...

By Megan Faherty

High School History/Social Studies

Education Trends, Teaching Tips & Tricks, Truth for Teachers Collective

Jul 11, 2021

Too much tech? These 7 digital tools can create a daily structure for ALL your lessons, from start to finish.
Gimkit. Wakelet. Slides. Forms. Meet. Zoom. Remind. Class Dojo. Quizizz. Quizlet. Nearpod. Pear Deck. Kahoot. Flipgrid. Kami. Loom. Edpuzzle. Edmodo. Menti. Moodle. Socrative. Securly. Hapara. Padlet. If you can comprehend the above lines at a proficient reading level, you might be a teacher transitioning out of the 2020-2021 school year....

By Francesca Roley

8th/9th Gr ELA