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Uncategorized   |   Nov 29, 2009

Nomination time!

By Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Nomination time!

By Angela Watson


It’s time for the sixth annual Edublog Awards to honor the best education blogs on the web. With over 100 edublogs in my Google Reader, choosing just one for each category was a daunting task (especially for Best Teacher Blog, since there are so many excellent ones). It’s also challenging to determine which site falls into which category (can a 30-something blogger qualify for a ‘Lifetime Achievement’ award?) and what to do about those outstanding sites that don’t have a corresponding category (how about a ‘Best Administrator Blog’, for which there would be an obvious nominee?) After much deliberation, I’ve narrowed down my nominations as follows:

Congrats to all nominees–I so appreciate the amazing content you produce and am grateful that you take the time to share it with us on the web.

Angela Watson

Founder and Writer

Angela created the first version of this site in 2003, when she was a classroom teacher herself. With 11 years of teaching experience and more than a decade of experience as an instructional coach, Angela oversees and contributes regularly to...
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